UNESCO Creative Cities: Showcasing Artistic Heritage

UNESCO Creative Cities: Showcasing Artistic Heritage

Discover the UNESCO Creative Cities

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, acknowledges cities around the world that have made significant contributions to cultural and creative industries. These cities are collectively known as the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

Preserving and Promoting Artistic Heritage

The UNESCO Creative Cities program aims to promote and protect the cultural heritage of these cities, while also fostering creativity and innovation. It recognizes the crucial role of art and culture in sustainable urban development. These cities are selected based on their commitment to nurturing creative industries, supporting cultural diversity, and fostering collaboration among artists, designers, and innovators. By providing a platform for cultural exchange, these cities contribute to the international dialogue on creativity and its role in society.

Artistic Areas of Expertise

The UNESCO Creative City Network encompasses various creative fields, including:
  • Crafts and Folk Art
  • Design
  • Film
  • Gastronomy
  • Literature
  • Media Arts
  • Music
  • Reserve Cities

Showcasing the Artistic Heritage

The UNESCO Creative Cities organize a range of events and initiatives to promote their local artistic heritage. These include festivals, exhibitions, workshops, and cultural exchanges. Through these activities, they aim to highlight the unique cultural assets of their cities and strengthen connections among artists and creative professionals. From hosting design weeks to organizing film festivals, these cities offer a plethora of opportunities for locals and tourists to engage with art, culture, and creativity. Visitors can experience the rich history and vibrant contemporary art scenes of these cities while supporting local artists and artisans.


The UNESCO Creative Cities Network serves as a testament to the invaluable role of art and creativity in shaping our societies. By showcasing their artistic heritage, these cities not only preserve their cultural legacies but also inspire future generations to explore, create, and innovate. Plan your next visit to a UNESCO Creative City and immerse yourself in its artistic wonders!